In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, Unbounce's Dan Levy talks to Jennifer Pepper (Unbounce’s Customer Success Content Strategist) about this tricky video task. They dive deep into the importance of a data-driven approach to video marketing campaigns, and share some tried-and-true storytelling methods that'll give your videos that extra kick.
In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, we explore how to write amazing landing page copy.
First, we tell a story of what happened when we made our "About Us" page copy a little bit too much… about us.
Then, Unbounce's Dan Levy talks to strategist and copywriter Marc Aarons about embarrassing writing habits and an easy-to-remember formula for making sure you're simultaneously delighting readers and attracting qualified customers.
In this episode of the Call to Action podcast, we have a quick story about why we've restructured our AdWords account into country-specific campaigns. Then, we speak to Aaron Orendorff of iconiContent about everything display ads: banner blindness, the fat thumb phenomenon and how one company used display ads in their content to recruit qualified employees.
A story of how a clever blog post title halved our open rates, and a breakdown of email marketing tactics that Jimmy Daly, Head of Content at Vero, borrows from the likes of Airbnb, TripAdvisor and Uber.