As marketers, it’s super easy to get caught up in our data and analytics.
Sometimes, we’re watching our click-through and conversion rates so closely that we lose sight of the fact that there are people behind every click. Real people with real emotions.
In this episode we speak to Talia Wolf, CEO and founder of Conversioner, about how tapping into your customer’s emotional needs can make your landing pages more powerful.
Marketers are slowly realizing that good landing page design creates a sense of trust and can ultimately lead to higher conversion rates. That is, unless you’re losing sight of other important things, like making your unique value proposition the star of your page. Or letting design take precedence over persuasive copy. In this episode, we talk to Mark John Hiemstra, Content Marketer at Unbounce, about some landing page design trends that can actually do harm to your conversion rates – and how to determine whether they’re right for you.
Marketing and customer support are often thought of as two distinct departments, each minding their own part of the customer lifecycle. But the two departments are more related than you may think. In fact, many companies are finding evidence that exceptional customer support can have a positive influence on conversions. In this episode, we speak with Len Markidan, Director of Marketing at Groove, and attempt to answer the question, “Does exceptional customer support increase conversions?”
As content marketers, we pour our heart and soul into every piece of content we create. Which is why it's super frustrating to spend an insane amount of time putting together a blog post, only to have it flop.
But what if there was a way to easily tell whether a blog post idea will resonate with your audience, all while making your brainstorming process a breeze?
Say hello to your new best friend, Google Analytics.
In this episode, we spoke with Andy Crestodina from Orbit Media about Google Analytics reports can help make your blog content more successful by leaps and bounds.